They’re also good for your dog’s teeth if they chew on them. Some dogs will use carrots as a chew, especially frozen carrots.
Pumpkin is considered a superfood for dogs. It’s an ingredient in many homemade dog treats and is often used to top kibble as a digestive aid.
They’re packed with vitamins and nutrients and also contain large amounts of fiber. Green beans can be served raw or cooked, but avoid seasoning them.
Sweet potato is another popular dog treat ingredient. They’re an excellent source of vitamin A, which aids in the eye, skin, coat, muscle, and nerve health.
Brussels sprouts are great for dogs in moderation but can cause gas and stomach upset if fed too often.
Celery contains fiber, vitamins, and nutrients that make it an excellent low-calorie treat. It’s also low in cholesterol, so it’s heart-healthy!
Dogs can eat cooked or raw zucchini. If you serve it cooked, be sure not to add any spices, oils, butter, or salt.
Cauliflower contains vitamins K and C. It also contains plenty of nutrients, including fiber, calcium, potassium, and folate.