Brush Stroke

Top Countries with the Highest Quality of Life

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Denmark is known for its adherence to social norms, even in seemingly minor situations. A user humorously mentions pedestrians waiting for a red light at night when no traffic is in sight.

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Japan is renowned for its remarkable social order. A user highlights how this is a country where a waitperson will run you down the street in attempts to return tips, and citizens

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Members note the remarkable levels of trust within Taiwanese society, such as leaving phones unattended or bikes unlocked without fear of theft.


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A forum member recalls accidentally leaving a backpack on a train, only to find it safely returned to lost and found when the train arrived in Berlin.

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Dubai is known for its unique blend of flash and normalcy. It offers everything from $1 meal feasts to $2000 sushi plates. The city's public transport is excellent.

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Forum users highlight the surprising regard for crosswalks, even in empty streets. One shares that walking around late at night felt "super safe" while visiting these cities.

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One says his friend lost their wallet at the airport and was able to retrieve it from someone handing it in the next day with all items intact.

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Switzerland consistently ranks among the top countries for quality of life. A high level of rule adherence characterizes its safe and reliable environment.

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