Collecting those mini soaps and shampoos from hotels has become a common practice, even though they often go unused.
This practice is seen as making the most of available amenities, something that would be considered wasteful and unnecessary at home.
In hotels, the tolerance for noisy neighbors and their late-night antics is significantly higher than at home, where such disturbances might prompt a swift complaint or intervention.
Leaving the bed unmade in a hotel room is a small rebellion enjoyed by many, justified by the knowledge that housekeeping will take care of it
The tendency to leave trash gathered but not taken out is something people admit to in hotels, relying on housekeeping to dispose of it, unlike the self-service approach to waste management at home.
The fear of hidden cameras prompts a thorough sweep of hotel rooms for many travelers, a precautionary measure that speaks to privacy concerns rarely considered within the safety
Walking into a hotel room and commenting on its niceness is a ritualistic acknowledgment of the temporary living space, a practice not mirrored when entering familiar rooms at home.
Leaving the air conditioning running continuously, even when not in the room, is a luxury some indulge in at hotels, knowing they won’t bear the cost