This beautiful state has residents glowing with good health. It has the lowest rate of cancer deaths in the country, along with the low substance abuse rate.
It also has a low percentage of people who smoke, a very low stroke mortality rate, and a low rate of heart disease deaths.
Minnesota’s heart disease mortality rate is the lowest in the country. This state also has the third-highest rate of longevity.
This charming state has a very low rate of disease risk factors, giving it a very healthy population. The diabetes mortality rate is the second best in the country. It’s also second for its low mortality rate for strokes.
In New Jersey, a little over 10% of the population smokes. However, only 28% are obese. It also has a very low rate of citizens who report having poor mental health at just 13.9%.
Wellness is the name of the game in California. The state has an obesity rate of only 27.6% and a very low rate of infant mortality. The nice weather likely allows more people to get out and get exercise.
This state has a higher smoking rate, but it has very low rates of suicide, infant mortality, and obesity. It has one of the overall lowest mortality rates in the country per 100,000 people at 713.
The smallest state has an obesity rate of 30%, while the national average is about 40%. Its rate of smoking is a little higher than it should be at 12%, but it has a low rate of poor mental health.