The 15 worst beers in the world, based on ratings from beer lovers 

Bud Light: Often criticized for its lack of flavor and generic taste. Popular among some, but many beer lovers find it bland. 

Coors Light: Known for its light body and minimal taste. Many consider it a subpar option compared to craft beers. 

Miller Lite: Despite being a light beer, it’s frequently rated poorly due to its perceived lack of character and flavor complexity. 

Natural Light: A budget beer that’s often criticized for its watery taste and lack of distinct flavor, making it less favored by enthusiasts. 

Pabst Blue Ribbon: While it has a nostalgic appeal, it often receives low ratings for its bland taste and lack of complexity. 

Michelob Ultra: Its very light body and low calories result in a beer that some find too insipid and lacking in taste. 

Rolling Rock: Often rated poorly for its flat and bland flavor profile, with critics noting a lack of depth in taste. 

Keystone Light: Known for its very light taste and lack of distinctive beer qualities, often criticized for being too basic. 

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