The 14 Funniest Things That Ever Happened at the Doctor’s Office 

 The Misheard Prescription - A patient heard “take two pills” as “take two pigs” and asked the nurse where to get them.

The Laughing Gas Incident - A patient on laughing gas started telling hilarious jokes and couldn’t stop giggling during their entire appointment. 

The Wrong Name - A doctor called a patient by the wrong name throughout the appointment, only to realize the mix-up at the end. 

The Overheard Conversation - A patient overheard the doctor complaining about having to wear a suit and tie for every appointment. 

 The Costume Mistake - A patient came in wearing a Halloween costume, thinking it was a themed appointment, and couldn’t stop laughing when corrected.

The Embarrassing Question - A patient asked the nurse if they should keep their “underwear” on for an X-ray, not realizing it was a full-body scan. 

The Confused Kid - A child asked the doctor if they could fix their toy with the same tools they use for check-ups. 

 The Misinterpreted Chart - A nurse misread a chart and asked the patient if they had any “car troubles” instead of “chronic troubles.”

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