Brush Stroke

Random things that are normal in Europe but weird in the U.S.A.

Brush Stroke

Having a kettle in the kitchen

This was something I came across on Instagram and realized — wait, the algorithm actually produced some truth for once!

Brush Stroke

No screens on windows

OK, this one is seriously annoying in the summer when you want to let a breeze in without the bugs coming to say hi.

Brush Stroke

Lack of central AC

Maybe it’s the higher percentage of old buildings, but I’ve found central AC to be uniquely American.


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Walkable cities

It’s no secret Americans love our cars, but that’s also because vehicles are a necessary reality of living in the U.S. In Europe.

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Apartments have no kitchen

No, seriously, in a lot of Europe, notably France and Germany, if you rent “unfurnished” that doesn’t just mean furniture.

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Paying for bathrooms

One thing I always take for granted back home is that, if you find public toilets, they’re generally free to use.

Brush Stroke

Paying for water

I too take free water at restaurants and cafés for granted. This varies by nation, but it's not a promise or regulation in Europe.

Brush Stroke

Driving stick

Unless you’re part of the shrinking portion of Americans who can drive a manual, which is still the default in Europe.

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