Nestled in the heart of Paris, Père Lachaise Cemetery is a serene burial place for luminaries such as Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, and Frédéric Chopin.
Tucked away in North London, Highgate Cemetery is a Victorian masterpiece adorned with elaborate catacombs and lush greenery.
The hallowed grounds of Graceland serve as the interment place of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Elvis Presley.
The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 captivated the world, shedding light on ancient burial practices and beliefs.
Westminster Abbey is a Gothic masterpiece and the catacomb of many British kings, poets, and statesmen.
With its panoramic views of Jerusalem’s Old City, the Mount of Olives holds profound significance in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions.
Nestled within the walls of Wawel Castle, Wawel Cathedral serves as the graveyard of Polish monarchs and national heroes.