The American Goldfinch is a small, vibrant bird known for its striking yellow feathers during the breeding season.
The Bald Eagle, with its majestic presence, is a symbol of strength and freedom across North America.
Painted Buntings are among the most brilliantly colored birds found in North America, with males showcasing a vivid array of rainbow hues in their plumage.
Blue Jays are known for their striking blue plumage and loud, jay! jay! calls, making them one of the most recognizable birds in eastern forests and backyards.
Scarlet Tanagers are striking birds with the males featuring bright red bodies contrasted by black wings and tails.
Anna’s Hummingbird, a year-round resident of the western coast, is known for its beautiful iridescent green and pink plumage.
The Snowy Owl is a majestic white bird, often seen during the winter months in open fields and along coastlines in North America.
The Northern Cardinal's vivid red male and delicate brown female make it one of the most adored birds.