If your appetite isn't quite monster-size, make them by heaping tablespoonfuls. This is the world's best monster cookies recipe.
This German classic is such a part of our reunions, we designate a special place to serve it. Five generations flock to the "Kuchen Room" for this coffee cake.
When I got married, a woman at my parents’ church gave me this version of a popular Michigan treat. I sometimes pipe a bit of frosting onto each piece for decoration during the holidays.
It’s no secret that Wisconsinites love their dairy—so much that they sometimes top their burgers with a generous pat of butter.
Here's a hearty dish for big appetites. The corn and apples make a tasty stuffing for the chops.
It comes from the Durbin Inn, which was a well-known restaurant in Rushville, Indiana, from the 1920s until it closed in the late '70s.
This recipe is based on the pickled veggies in Brown Eggs and Jam Jars by Aimee Wimbush-Bourque, but I’ve made it less mustardy and more garlicky to fit my family’s tastes.
Fishing is a popular recreational activity where we live, so folks are always looking for ways to prepare their catches. My husband ranks this as one of his favorites.