Brush Stroke

Here Are The Most Haunted Places in America

Brush Stroke

Sheffield Island Lighthouse

Cloaked in Victorian elegance, the Sheffield Island Lighthouse is marred by a keeper’s sudden, unexplained death–his gaze forever fixed on the horizon through his spyglass.

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Emily’s Bridge

Beneath the weathered beams of Emily’s Bridge, a tale as dark as the wood itself comes to us from the past

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Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Built as a refuge for those caught in the grip of tuberculosis, this sprawling edifice bore witness to countless tales of suffering and fleeting hope.


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Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery

Tucked away beyond the Midlothian Turnpike and down a path less traveled, you’ll find Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery.

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‘Iolani Palace

In the predawn hush of Honolulu, Queen Lili’uokalani’s silhouette roams ‘Iolani Palace. She replays tales of a lost kingdom.

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The Grove

The Grove and its historic property are a quiet nod to 1861, telling tales through aged timbers and silhouettes of past inhabitants.

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The Bowery Hotel

It’s rumored that each night at 1 AM, the elevators begin ghostly journeys up and down with no living hand to guide them.

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Ohio State Reformatory

The Ohio State Reformatory’s haunted past clings to the stone and iron-like cobwebs. Over 154,000 souls were once trapped within these walls

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