Brush Stroke

Dogs That Get Along Well With Cats

Brush Stroke

Basset hound

Except for their howling—ahem, musical merrymaking—Basset hounds are quite calm.

Brush Stroke


Beagles were bred to hunt in packs, so they're already open to sharing their space with other animals and people.

Brush Stroke


Built low to the ground with a body like a tank, the bulldog appears as a four-legged bully.


Brush Stroke

Cavalier King Charles spaniel

They have huge hearts of gold and bestow love on everyone they meet, which is why they make great emotional support dogs.

Brush Stroke


Collies are remarkably loyal to their human and furry siblings. Because they are wicked smart and sweet, they can learn how to interact and adjust to living with a cat sibling.

Brush Stroke

Irish setter

This gorgeous red, feathery coated dog has more going for it than just its gorgeous fur: It can also peacefully co-exist with a cat.

Brush Stroke

Golden retriever

They seem to have a limitless supply of empathy and compassion, on top of which, they're eager to please, goofy, playful and highly adaptable.

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