Brush Stroke

Countries Worth Visiting for an Epic Drive

Brush Stroke

United States of America

It may not seem daring to start your drive on your driveway, but this massive landmass is hard to surpass.

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Being on Iceland's paved roads is a waste. Iceland's unique terrain requires four-wheel drive and high ground clearance.

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And you thought the United States was the painfully obvious recommendation for this list. Hey, Germany may be a predictable choice but it merits inclusion.


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Saudi Arabia

No, we're not going to recommend jumping the vast sand dunes just outside Riyadh while howling at the moon.

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Italy's Stelvio mountain pass, a winding road that seems like a fevered cat strewn yarn across the Alps, is well known among lovely drivers.

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If you thought Italy had a good mountain pass or two, its next-door neighbor Switzerland will leave you gobsmacked.

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Mongolia is a sharp contrast to the strict American roadways and the remarkable politeness and civic engineering on European roads.

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West Tasmania's Gormanston Road is known as "99 Bends" for its many arcs, while Victoria's Great Alpine Road and Great Ocean Road are also called.

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