The average monthly pay is $2,860 in the happiest nation for years. Finland has a great lifestyle with an average life expectancy of 82.52.
Another seven billionaires live in Denmark, and the people have comfortable salaries. They average $3,634 a month in salary.
This is the only non-Nordic country out of the top five on the happiness scale. It has 10 billionaires and a life expectancy of 82.58.
People in Sweden have a smaller average salary than the Netherlands at $2,712, but they have the same happiness rating.
High incomes are one of several reasons that make Nordic nations happy. The typical Norwegian earns $3,418 and lives to 83.55.
Switzerland has a very high cost of living, but it also has the highest average salary on this list at $6,639.
This tiny country has a lot of wealth. There’s only one billionaire, but the salaries are high at $5,378.