Brush Stroke

College Towns That Are Perfect for Retirees

Brush Stroke

Huntington, West Virginia

Livability score: 81 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 17.2% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,951 Average mortgage: $707

Brush Stroke

Lexington, Kentucky

Livability score: 86 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 13.5% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,775 Average mortgage: $1,783

Brush Stroke

Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Livability score: 85 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 12.7% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,691 Average mortgage: $1,491


Brush Stroke

Ames, Iowa

Livability score: 90 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 10.5% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,863 Average mortgage: $1,886

Brush Stroke

Lawrence, Kansas

Livability score: 88 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 11.6% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,882 Average mortgage: $1,829

Brush Stroke

Normal, Illinois

Livability score: 87 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 11% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,816 Average mortgage: $1,424

Brush Stroke

Winona, Minnesota

Livability score: 77 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 16.9% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,618 Average mortgage: $1,357

Brush Stroke

Evanston, Illinois

Livability score: 83 Percentage of the population ages 65 and older: 16.4% Monthly expenditure costs: $1,931 Average mortgage: $3,319

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