Pea, brown rice, and chia seed form the base for this plant-based protein powder. It also contains prebiotics and fiber to support gut and overall health.
Plant-based protein powders aren't your only option if you're sensitive to dairy. Enter goat whey protein, which is a fave of Addison Aloian, WH Editorial Assistant.
Prebiotics and probiotics make it easy on even sensitive stomachs. Plus a digestive enzyme mix boosts protein absorption. This mix gets White's stamp of approval.
From the team behind the chic vegan meal-delivery service comes a convenient plant-based protein powder.
This fast-absorbing 100% whey isolate protein includes 5.5 grams of BCAAs and is easy on the stomach. On top of that it tastes delicious and comes in a mind-boggling array of flavors.
All the custom blends include all nine essential amino acids from seven or fewer ingredients, so you know you're getting what your bod needs.
There is no sugar added, no artificial flavors, and it's free of soy and gluten. It's also third-party tested for efficacy.
Adaptogens give this plant-based protein a leg up to help nourish and improve mental and physical health.