Brush Stroke

Best Places Across the World to Raise Kids

Brush Stroke


This Nordic nation initially achieved prosperity by discovering oil and gas offshore. Still, it’s becoming an environmental leader committed to sustainability and has a wealth of amazing parks and public lands

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This tiny island city-state surrounded by Malaysia and Indonesia is a world leader in high-quality public education, universal healthcare, and high salaries.

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Germany also excels in universal healthcare and public education. You may also receive a subsidy of up to €1,800 per month in paid parental leave


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The “Land Down Under” is a world leader in public education, community safety, healthcare, and living wages. The trade-off: high housing prices and cost of living.

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This icy island nation nestled between the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans has plenty to offer families, including one of the world’s lowest violent crime rates

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Japan is often considered a great country to raise a family. The country also guarantees up to four weeks of paid paternity leave and six weeks of paid maternity leave.

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This capital city is full of history (the Latin Bridge is where Franz Ferdinand was shot and WWI began) and is still visibly marked by the Bosnian War.

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South Korea

South Koreans pride themselves on their family-centric culture, and their public policy follows suit. Parents are guaranteed up to three months of paid maternity leave and ten days of paid paternity leave

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