Brush Stroke

Best Dog Breeds For Your Protection

Brush Stroke

Belgian Malinois

Used as a police dog in a lot of areas, this type of dog will set itself in harm’s way for those it cares about.

Brush Stroke


This dog is one of the more intimidating in terms of looks, but as one of the breeds for protection, they’re quite loyal.

Brush Stroke


As a breed known for protecting royalty, this is one of the breeds for protection purposes that is to be trusted.


Brush Stroke

Cane Corso

Telling someone that a dog was bred as a hunter, a war dog, and anything aggressive is bound to get some people’s hackles up.

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Doberman Pinscher

This is one of those dogs that just looks tough and intimidating. But despite being capable of affection, they do earn their reputation as guard dogs.

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German Shepherd

The world's different protective breeds are typically deployed in ways that deter non-needy individuals.

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Rhodesian Ridgeback

These dogs are great protectors, but they do require essential training. Marking certain breeds for protection services doesn’t always mean they’ll be naturally acclimated to such a purpose.

Brush Stroke


Komondors are amazing protectors despite appearing like huge mops. As they should be, they love their family and avoid outsiders.

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