20 Best Potassium-Rich Foods You Can Eat 

Bananas: One of the most well-known sources of potassium, providing around 422 mg per medium banana. 

Sweet Potatoes: Rich in potassium, with about 541 mg per medium sweet potato. 

Spinach: A leafy green that provides approximately 540 mg of potassium per cooked cup. 

Avocados: Contain about 975 mg of potassium per avocado. 

White Beans: A powerhouse of potassium, with about 1,189 mg per cup of cooked beans. 

 Potatoes: A medium potato with skin provides around 926 mg of potassium.

Tomatoes: One cup of tomato sauce has about 728 mg of potassium. 

Oranges: One medium orange provides around 237 mg of potassium. 

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