15 Foods That Are Becoming Too Expensive to Buy Due To Skyrocketing Prices 

Avocados: The cost of avocados has surged, driven by supply chain issues and high demand. 

Salmon: Wild-caught and farmed salmon prices have risen due to overfishing and higher feed costs. 

Chicken Breasts: Prices for chicken breasts have increased because of rising feed and production costs. 

 Beef: Beef prices are up due to droughts affecting cattle farming and increased feed costs.

Milk: Dairy prices have risen due to higher feed costs and supply chain disruptions. 

Eggs: Egg prices have increased due to outbreaks of avian flu and higher production costs. 

Bread: The cost of bread has gone up due to rising wheat prices and higher production costs. 

Cheese: Cheese prices have surged due to higher milk costs and increased demand. 

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