10 Of The Unhealthiest Store-Bought Veggie Burgers
Vegan Veggie Burgers: While they're vegan, they can be high in sodium and contain processed ingredients like soy protein isolate.
Black Bean Burger: Contains a high amount of sodium and canola oil, which is high in omega-6 fats.
California Veggie Burger: While it's made with organic ingredients, it can be high in sodium and contains processed soy protein.
Gardein Ultimate Beefless Burger: Contains processed ingredients like soy protein isolate and can be high in sodium.
Dr. Praeger's California Veggie Burger: While it contains healthy ingredients like vegetables, it can be high in sodium and contains canola oil.
Meatless Gourmet Burgers: Made with mycoprotein, these burgers can be high in sodium and contain processed ingredients.
Quinoa Cowboy Veggie Burgers: While they contain quinoa and black beans, they can be high in sodium and contain processed ingredients like expeller-pressed canola oil.
Beyond Meat Beyond Burger: While it's popular for its meat-like texture, it can be high in saturated fat and sodium.
Hand-Formed Burger: Made with processed ingredients like canola oil and natural flavors, it can be high in sodium.
Patties Original Burger: While they're low in calories, they can be high in sodium and contain processed ingredients like soy protein isolate.